Spiritual Cleansing Prayer

Spiritual Cleansing Prayer

Spiritual Cleansing Prayer for Others (‘Dry Cleaning Prayer’)

When pray­ing for some­one oth­er than your­self, you will want to first, obtain spir­i­tu­al author­i­ty to pray over the per­son. Sim­ply ask, “Do I have spir­i­tu­al legal author­i­ty to pray over you?” They must reply and say “yes” before pro­ceed­ing. This step is not need­ed for peo­ple you have implied author­i­ty over, such as your spouse and children.

Next, declare out loud over the per­son being prayed:

“This is my (spouse, friend, wife, hus­band, son, daugh­ter), ________  _________ (name of the per­son).  They are wor­shipers of the Son of The Liv­ing God, Jesus Christ, he/she is the legal own­er, and has legal domain over himself/herself.  

Say the fol­low­ing, “I _______ ______ (your name) have been grant­ed spir­i­tu­al-legal author­i­ty to pray over _______  ________ (name of the per­son) and  com­mand any­thing unclean or foul o​r not of God to leave _____________ (name of the per­son being prayed for), not in my name but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Son of the Liv­ing God, the one who was declared Mes­si­ah because of his author­i­ty over demons.  And we now ask you Lord for you to release the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse and sat­u­rate him/her with the Oil of the Holy Spir­it.  He/She is the right­ful own­er to them­selves and their domain, and you have no legal right or domain over _______ (name of the per­son). You must leave now, and I com­mand you to go South and East out of our spir­i­tu­al ter­ri­to­ry. War­rior angels take them far away from here.”

Spiritual Cleansing Prayer for Yourself (‘Dry Cleaning Prayer’)

Declare out loud:

“I am a wor­shiper of Jesus Christ, Son of The Liv­ing God, and I am the legal own­er of myself and I have domain over myself.  I com­mand any­thing unclean or foul o​r not-of-God to leave me, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Son of the Liv­ing God, the one who was declared Mes­si­ah because of his author­i­ty over demons.  Lord, I ask that you ask release the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse and sat­u­rate myself with the Oil of the Holy Spir­it.  I am the right­ful own­er to myself and this is my domain, and you have no legal right or domain over me. You must leave, now, and I com­mand you to go South and East out of my spir­i­tu­al ter­ri­to­ry, war­rior angels take them far away from here.”