Our ordinary family is on an extraordinary mission.

Using our gifts and our faith, we’re charged with encouraging and equipping Christ-followers to deepen their relationship with Jesus. God has given us the opportunity to make the supernatural natural for people. We also offer tools that will equip you to do the same for others.

The Cincinnati Awakening: Indicators of Revival in Cincinnati, OH


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Free Resources

Spiritual Cleansing Prayer

Spir­i­tu­al Cleans­ing Prayer for Oth­ers (‘Dry Clean­ing Prayer’) When pray­ing for some­one oth­er than your­self, you will want to first, obtain spir­i­tu­al author­i­ty to pray […]

Protection Prayer for the Empathically Gifted

Prayer to pro­tect those who are empath­i­cal­ly gift­ed and sense the feel­ings of oth­ers.   Lord, I pray to receive your love and empa­thy for […]

Sleep and Dream Protection Prayer

Prayer and scrip­ture to pro­tect your sleep and dreams.   “Lord, I ask you for rest and peace­ful sleep tonight. Holy Spir­it please qui­et my […]

Wounded Spirit Prayer

A prayer for heal­ing of the wound­ed spir­it.   Father, I thank you for your heal­ing pres­ence. I loose the blood of Jesus for cleansing […]