Free Resources

A treasure trove of tools and prayers for you and your family.

Prayers For Yourself and Others

Spiritual Cleansing Prayer

Spir­i­tu­al Cleans­ing Prayer for Oth­ers (‘Dry Clean­ing Prayer’) When pray­ing for some­one oth­er than your­self, you will want to first, obtain spir­i­tu­al author­i­ty to pray over the per­son. Sim­ply ask, “Do I have spir­i­tu­al legal author­i­ty to pray over you?” […]

Protection Prayer for the Empathically Gifted

Prayer to pro­tect those who are empath­i­cal­ly gift­ed and sense the feel­ings of oth­ers.   Lord, I pray to receive your love and empa­thy for oth­ers as you want me to see and pray for them​. Please give me the […]

Sleep and Dream Protection Prayer

Prayer and scrip­ture to pro­tect your sleep and dreams.   “Lord, I ask you for rest and peace­ful sleep tonight. Holy Spir­it please qui­et my heart as I sub­mit to you and help me to qui­et my mind. I ask […]

Wounded Spirit Prayer

A prayer for heal­ing of the wound­ed spir­it.   Father, I thank you for your heal­ing pres­ence. I loose the blood of Jesus for cleans­ing in the mind, the think­ing, and the mem­o­ries. Bring your cleans­ing pres­ence in what he […]

Take All Thoughts Captive by Tim Mather

So how does the first lev­el of Spir­i­tu­al War­fare work? Imag­ine a police­man or a secu­ri­ty guard. Here comes an unin­vit­ed per­son toward the entrance of the facil­i­ty you are assigned to guard. Just like that cop: HALT the thought as […]

Room Cleaning Prayer

Use this prayer to spir­i­tu­al­ly clean out every floor of a home, every room in an apart­ment, home, a hotel room, or space you are resid­ing. Remem­ber to include:  clos­ets, attics, garages, base­ment, stor­age rooms, garage attics, out­door sheds/barns, & […]

Perimeter of Protection & Armor of God Prayer

These prayers help pro­vide spir­i­tu­al pro­tec­tion over your prop­er­ty and your­self.    Perime­ter of Pro­tec­tion Lord, I ask that you estab­lish a perime­ter of War­rior Angels at the four cor­ners of this prop­er­ty and pro­tect as it is writ­ten in […]

Cleaning Your Home by Tim Mather

    One of the basic spir­i­tu­al war­fare tac­tics nec­es­sary for liv­ing in lib­er­ty is to main­tain a clean house, spir­i­tu­al­ly as well as phys­i­cal­ly. When friends or fam­i­ly come over, they bring dirt and demons. You don’t make value […]

Couples Camp

Brad and Sara lead the Min­istry Team at Cou­ples Camp. Cou­ples Camp […]