Wounded Spirit Prayer

Wounded Spirit Prayer

A prayer for heal­ing of the wound­ed spirit.


Father, I thank you for your heal­ing pres­ence. I loose the blood of Jesus for cleans­ing in the mind, the think­ing, and the mem­o­ries. Bring your cleans­ing pres­ence in what he (rather than he/she I will just go with he) thinks, believes, and stored in the mem­o­ries. Let the blood of Jesus flow upon the ears, eyes and mouth, these gates where destruc­tion has entered in through what he has heard, seen and spo­ken. I loose the cleans­ing blood upon his heart and his emo­tions, rep­re­sent­ing the core of his being. Also, I declare the blood cleans­ing the deep wounds of his inner man, deep into the hid­den wounds and secret wounds, and the old wounds.


Now let the oil of the Holy Spir­it come. Bring your heal­ing pres­ence upon the mind, think­ing, beliefs and mem­o­ries. Heal the faulty think­ing and lies. Heal the pain stored in the mem­o­ries. Release the oil of heal­ing into the heart and emo­tions, the bro­ken places. Bring your heal­ing pres­ence into the deep places of the inner man, into the old wounds, the hid­den wounds and secret wounds.


Wrap him in your pres­ence like a pro­tec­tive ban­dage, watch­ing over him and guard­ing him in this sea­son of heal­ing. Speak your Word of truth and affir­ma­tion into his soul, renew­ing his mind. I release him into your care because you are faith­ful to heal and restore and renew. And I declare your King­dom come and your will be done in Jesus name.


Source: Bear Creek Ranch: https://bcrcamp.com/