Prayers For Yourself and Others

Spiritual Cleansing Prayer

Spir­i­tu­al Cleans­ing Prayer for Oth­ers (‘Dry Clean­ing Prayer’) When pray­ing for some­one other […]

Protection Prayer for the Empathically Gifted

Prayer to pro­tect those who are empath­i­cal­ly gift­ed and sense the feel­ings of […]

Sleep and Dream Protection Prayer

Prayer and scrip­ture to pro­tect your sleep and dreams.   “Lord, I ask […]

Wounded Spirit Prayer

A prayer for heal­ing of the wound­ed spir­it.   Father, I thank you […]

Take All Thoughts Captive by Tim Mather

So how does the first lev­el of Spir­i­tu­al War­fare work? Imag­ine a policeman […]